Adoption Home Study … Approved!


Today we had the adoption home study. A home study is a written record of one’s life and ultimately qualifies them to either adopt or foster a child. In 2017 we completed a home study in order to become licensed foster parents and today’s home study was conducted for the purpose of adopting our five incredible kids. Home studies are invasive –  lots of questions, some require no thought and some require quite a bit of energy to answer (“How was your childhood?” “How is your support system?” “Have you ever been a victim of domestic violence?” “Have you ever been sexually or physically abused?” “How were you disciplined as a child?” “What is your culture?” “What is your emergency evacuation plan?” “Where does everybody sleep?” “If something happens to you or your spouse, who will help with the kids?” “What is your plan for X situation?” “Tell me how you run your home.” “How did you meet your spouse?” “How do you support each other in the home?” “Do you want to have any biological children?” Etc…). The first time around, in 2017, the personal interviews took hours. Like 2.5 hours of conversation. I remember feeling so cranky and tired afterward. I think I actually asked our licensor for a break.

This time around the entire home study took about 4 hours. Mauricio, I and all of our kids were interviewed individually by the licensor. The licensor inspected the house, walked around outside, made sure all of our meds (Ibuprofen, kids’ prescriptions, cough drops, vapor rub, tums…. everything of that sort) were locked up. She made sure we had a fire extinguisher and fire escape ladders for the top two stories (side note – my next house needs to be a rambler. I hate heights. And stairs. And mostly heights. God forbid I have to choose between climbing down a cheapie aluminum ladder from the third story of my house or dying of smoke inhalation. I can’t even get the holiday decorations down from the garage attic. Funny story – In my early twenties my first apartment was one of those super trendy tiny, less than 300 square foot lofts, where the kitchen and bathroom share a sink and maybe 4 people can fit in the apartment … if they all stand.  I spent many a night sleeping on a bean bag chair at the base of the loft ladder, scared I’d accidentally roll off the bed to my death. I only lasted 2.5 months at the “high efficiency studio.”). Anyways, today’s home study went really well. There were no issues and at the end we were both hugged, given the approval, and told by the licensor that she wishes the State “could clone you and your home.”

Our kids did great and they were really excited to know we are one step closer to adoption. After the licensor left the kids asked if they could get or make a cake to celebrate. Seeing as I’m not one to ever turn down cake and it was too late to bake anything, we obliged and took the kids to the store to pick out a cake. They asked for candles and we sang “Happy Adoption Home Study Approval” to them in the tune of “Happy Birthday.” It was hilarious. So much joy. We are blessed.

Now we wait for our social worker to let us know the next steps, and we will be contacting a lawyer to help us navigate the legalities of adopting five kids this year… stay tuned!

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